Australia’s leading Ghost Whisperer, Anthony Grzelka has been working as one of Australia’s top Psychic Mediums for well over a decade. Astounding people with his accuracy and changing thousands of lives with messages of hope, healing and love from the other side, he is well known and respected for his empathetic delivery of the information he receives. Regularly holding demonstrations with platform readings around Perth and Australia, sell out audiences are spellbound by his ability to connect to their loved ones in the Spirit World, and attendees say the connections they witness are often so meaningful to watch, that comfort is shared by all in the room, even those not receiving a reading. And amazingly, some of those heart-warming readings are connections made to none other than our fur family on the other side, even extending to the odd one with scales or feathered friends with colourful language.
Mediumship, while often viewed upon as a gift, is also a craft that can be honed, and experience and dedication have been instrumental in Anthony’s evolution as a Medium. Anthony’s compassionate, down to earth and at times hilariously quick-witted nature means patrons leave his Mediumship events usually having laughed, cried, cringed, and most importantly, witnessed something truly memorable and special, that they will return time and time again to experience
At the conclusion of his demonstrations, Anthony opens the floor to questions about his work and it was this practice that inspired the release of his first book, “Medium Down Under”. A go-to guide on demystifying a number of spirit-related subjects that frequented these Q&A sessions. Anthony answers questions about spirituality; gives messages from loved ones passed and helps with real life decisions, quite possibly in the process, changing people’s lives and making believers out of die-hard sceptics.
Sunday 27th October 12.45-2.15pm
Listen to this fascinating interview in which Anthony and Patricia explore the afterlife, the nature of the soul and many more questions.