The Summit Lighthouse

For more than 50 years, The Summit Lighthouse has been publishing the Teachings of the Ascended Masters—the mystics and sages of East and West who graduated from earth’s schoolroom and attained union with God.

The Summit Lighthouse, a non-profit organization, is the official source for Teachings of the Ascended Masters from Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet and their students.

We are dedicated to making these teachings available to all those looking for answers to life’s difficult questions.

The fundamental principle of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters is that all sons and daughters of God have a divine spark that is their potential to realize the universal Christ within and ascend to God as Jesus did. This concept is at the heart of all the major religions, East and West.

The Great White Brotherhood

The ascended masters are all a part of the Great White Brotherhood*, spoken of in Revelation 7 as the great multitude of saints “clothed with white robes” who stand before the throne of God. The Brotherhood works with earnest seekers and public servants of every race, religion and walk of life to assist humanity in their forward evolution.

* The term “white” refers not to race but to the aura of white light that surrounds these immortals.

The Inner Retreat

The Ascended Masters and their Messenger Mark L. Prophet founded The Summit Lighthouse in 1958, and today its headquarters is in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. This property, known as the Inner Retreat, is located high in the beautiful Paradise Valley. It is bordered on the east by the majestic Yellowstone River and on the south by Yellowstone National Park, renowned for its wildlife and spectacular natural beauty. To read more click on this link:

Our Offerings for You

The Summit Lighthouse offers workshops, seminars, conferences, online courses,     book study groups and events at local teaching centres, as well as opportunities to share with like-minded friends at various levels of affiliation. For more information click on this link –

We welcome you to write or call us for further information about the activities of students of the ascended masters in your area. And we look forward to meeting you at our services and retreats.

Official Websites

More Summit Lighthouse websites  with teachings on the ascended masters.

In Australia, please visit our site: