Western Wildflower Gardens is offering to the Conscious Living Expo community the opportunity to grow our unique Western Australian wildflowers.
These beautiful flowers will be grown by you and then brought to the show to be put on display. The Blue Banded Bee will be our focus for which we will grow their favourite plant, Dianella.
Added to this we will connect the blue Swan River Daisy and the mauve Rottnest Island Daisy, two very different daisy like plants. These magnificent flowers will be the showcase and share the connection for growing wildflowers in your garden to create a Western Wildflower Corridor.
Together let’s grow the colour which is the Swan River Daisy for the show. These workshops will be held at the Australian Native Nursery in Oakford and we are asking all members to join Sue and Hazel Dempster to grow the daisies necessary for the show and create a conscious participation. The cost is free all we ask is for your participation as a community in this endeavour. You will be asked to take your new babies home and watch them grow and then bring them to the Conscious Living Expo.
Website : westernwildflowergardens.com.au
Contact details: Sue Dempster 0427477090. Email
Introduction to Wildflower Gardening
25th Aug – 10am – 12pm
31st Aug – 10am -12pm
Propagation – Annuals and Perennials
20th August – 10am – 12pm
25th August – 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Verge Garden Design – Perfect Pocket Pictures
31st August – 1.30pm – 3.30pm
All located at 141 King Road Oakford at Australian Native Nursery.