We are in the midst of exciting changes in our world and we see a whole new reality emerging through the quickening of the awakening of consciousness in people,  in animals, in plants and all of life.  Conscious Participation is our theme at this year’s Conscious Living Expo. We are inviting businesses, practitioners, speakers and intuitive readers who are ready to share their expertise and their inspiration to create positive change and support the collective awakening of our consciousness to create a more loving healthy and sustainable planet.

This event embodies a new way of sharing energetically your talents and abilities and engaging positively with the people who are participating over the 3 days.

We have created a new space – The  Conversation Networking Lounge where visiting participants can connect with one another as well as visiting speakers and exhibitors to discuss ideas and showcase worthy environmental, health, spiritual and community projects.

In co-creating this Expo we recognize that for humanity and our planet to evolve we need to move towards a collective consciousness of interdependent co-operation and collaboration. In a small way with the help of our exhibitors and participating visitor partners, we aim to co-create at the Expo a dynamic event that is based on kindness, abundance, and opportunity for everyone who participates.

Get Involved – Contact us  
