Original Vital Energy,‘Ki’, is an Ancient South Korean Powerful Self-Healing Art.
1 To help you to understand the concept if we compare our BODY as a CAR.
We put food into our bodies 3 times a day, this is our fuel for our physical body.
This energy quality is like a BATTERY of a car in a human body. If the battery in a car is low then the car won’t start. The same as the human battery, if it is low then we become tired and not able to do what we want or need to do. This, in turn, affects our whole body, mentally, physically and emotionally.
2 If you can imagine your body being a road system. THE MITCHELL FREEWAY OR ALBANY HWY = MERIDIANS in the body.
We are driving a CAR = BLOOD on the FREEWAY OR HIGHWAY and there is a car accident which causes a traffic jam – creates a blockage.
In our body, there are 3 kinds of blockages, PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL – Family Inherited Patterns.
This energy has the ability to open up the traffic jam and clear the car accident.
3 If you can imagine your BODY as a HOUSE
In this house there is a TENANT = MIND which is invisible
The house also has a LANDLORD = SPIRIT which is invisible.
Our bones and flesh are from our parents and spirit from creation, adopts this physical body for its life on earth and mind is created. The mind is activated when we are able to distinguish between good and bad, roughly 3 years of age.
Family inherited patterns they say is the cause of about 80{bd8a1e7a756e52d6dd9114a5fec3622d8543affbcb7570d2e3b7f598d7615a85} of disease. Every family has their own invisible vibration and we connect through a magnetic field. This is our inheritance. We attract the positives and unfortunately, we are subject to the non-positives. The non-positives is what causes disease in the body.
When we pass our mind state is fixed and are unable to change because mind, body, and spirit need to be together to cultivate oneself. Our body returns to the 5 elements after 3 years. Our spirit is eternal but our mind lives on for 4 generations, roughly 100 years until our skeleton breaks down.
The mind of those who have passed effect the living in a profound way. Their frequency connects with the descendants and causes blockages. Over times these blockages lower the immune system so when virus and bacteria enter the body is unable to fight the unwanted guests – that is how disease happens.
e.g If someone passes suffering from mental disease, then their mind greatly influences the living. For the living person, they believe that it belongs to them but that isn’t so.
During our life, we are meant to cultivate ourselves and return to our original mind which we received from creation – Great Nature. Unless we return to our original mind we cannot return to where our spirit came from and that is how the invisible world is affecting the visible world. We are all living together.
At our Centre, we provide ‘Ki’ energy treatments to prove how the energy works. ‘Ki’ energy training for people to maintain energy for themselves, power self-healing. We also provide advanced training for the healing of the family tree.
‘Ki’ treatments are for the living and healing of the family tree is for those who have passed.
Through this training, we are able to recreate ourselves, return to the original mind, which is an innocent mind. The person who can control their own mind is the true master of themselves. When we become the real master of ourselves, there is nothing we cannot do. Therefore, controlling the mind is the most important work.