www.acuease.com.au Phone: 08 9382 1910 Mobile: 0435 358 756 Email: office@acuease.com.au
Address: Suite 12E, 531 Hay Street, The Subiaco Village, Subiaco WA 6008
Are you looking for a healthcare centre that really cares about improving your quality of life?
At Acu-ease, we treat you as a person, not as an illness.
Your health and wellbeing are affected by a range of factors:
- ♦ The constitution you were born with
- ♦ Your age, diet and the lifestyle you lead
- ♦ The environment you are living in
- ♦ The quality of your relationships and your sense of support in the world
Our clients trust us to give them the highest quality health advice and treatment, based on current research, that is tailored to their lifestyle.
Acu-ease is dedicated to supporting the health of our patients and their families. We provide a unique range of integrated natural therapies including:
- ♦ Acupuncture Therapy
- ♦ Nutrition and Weight Loss
- ♦ Chinese Nutritionals
- ♦ Oriental Counselling
- ♦ Neuro-Linguistic Therapy
- ♦ Muscle and Joint Therapy
- ♦ Management of Heavy Metal Toxicity
What you can expect when you come to see us:
At Acu-ease, you won’t be treated like a textbook case. Every person is unique, with unique he physical, psychological, emotional and environmental stresses. Our registered acupuncturists will thoroughly investigate your health at all these levels and design a therapy program that is right for you and your lifestyle.
Acupuncture has been used to treat difficult health problems for more than 2000 years. At Acu-ease we utilise the most up to date clinical and scientific understandings of Chinese Medicine to uncover the origins of your symptoms and manage the problem accordingly. Your Registered Acupuncturist may also recommend that you undertake a functional test, such as hair mineral analysis, salivary hormone tests, or refer you to a medical practitioner, to determine if medical testing, such as blood tests or x-rays, is warranted.
50{bd8a1e7a756e52d6dd9114a5fec3622d8543affbcb7570d2e3b7f598d7615a85} discount when you book and pay for your Initial Acupuncture or Weight Loss consultation at the Expo.